Welcome to iBall Instruments

iBall Instruments is a company dedicated to inventing and supplying state of the art gas detection and extraction technology. We develop products and services that assist the mud logging and related industries with meeting the ever increasing energy needs of the world.

Our flagship product, the Bloodhound gas detection and logging system, is based on patent pending next generation combination infrared sensor technology. It is light years ahead of the older hotwire, FID, or Pellister based gas sensors. No other mud logging gas detection system uses this combination of technology. This makes it possible to create a system without peer in longevity, sensitivity, precision chromatography, reliability, portability, absolute ruggedness, accuracy, and ease of use.

We feel the most important feature of the Bloodhound and our other products is our dedicated customer support. As well as thorough training for customers new to our products, we also have our customer support available 24/7, staffed by our highly trained and experienced experts.

We know the mud logging industry. We employ mud loggers and geologists, and we understand how critical it is to get any equipment problem fixed quickly. In the rare cases of hardware malfunction, we send out replacement parts or units immediately and overnight.

Please contact us today for further information on leasing and purchasing of iBall products.

Gas Detection

State of the art gas detection and extraction

iBall Cloud

Cloud Based Data Storage


Gas Charting Software

iBall Instruments (iballinst.com) is looking for full time or part time multi skilled general maintenance, technician, or mechanic in McLoud Oklahoma.

Flexible hours.
Full time or part time position.

Must be willing to attend classes or learn new skills if needed.

Possible and probable duties would be; assembling parts for gas detection equipment, changing parts in gas detection equipment, calibrating gas detection equipment, cleaning gas detection equipment, troubleshooting gas detection equipment, overhauling gas detection equipment, minor welding, soldering, gopher, paperwork, ordering parts. Any additional skills are appreciated.

Must be able to lift 50lb from time to time, must have good personal transportation, and have a good attitude.

iBall Instruments is firmly in the oil and gas industry and started building equipment for detecting natural gas while drilling using patented equipment. The Bloodhound gas detector and gas chromatograph that we have built detect the presence of natural gas in new and innovative ways. After introducing the new products to local geologists, and with their overwhelming response, we build stock only to have it sell out in a couple of weeks. Demand is growing daily.

This equipment needs regular maintenance and service as it comes back in from the field. The job we are seeking is a skilled position that will receive the equipment, clean it, repair it, update it, and then calibrate it and prepare it for shipment back into the field.

Please go to iballinst.com for more information on our products we manufacture and service.

We are looking for a long term commitment. Pay will reflect job satisfaction, skills possessed, and learned. $20-$26 per hour.

If you are interested please call us at
405 341 2434 or email us at rowe@iballinst.com