Welcome to iBall Instruments
iBall Instruments is a company dedicated to inventing and supplying state of the art gas detection and extraction technology. We develop products and services that assist the mud logging and related industries with meeting the ever increasing energy needs of the world.
Our flagship product, the Bloodhound gas detection and logging system, is based on patent pending next generation combination infrared sensor technology. It is light years ahead of the older hotwire, FID, or Pellister based gas sensors. No other mud logging gas detection system uses this combination of technology. This makes it possible to create a system without peer in longevity, sensitivity, precision chromatography, reliability, portability, absolute ruggedness, accuracy, and ease of use.
We feel the most important feature of the Bloodhound and our other products is our dedicated customer support. As well as thorough training for customers new to our products, we also have our customer support available 24/7, staffed by our highly trained and experienced experts.
We know the mud logging industry. We employ mud loggers and geologists, and we understand how critical it is to get any equipment problem fixed quickly. In the rare cases of hardware malfunction, we send out replacement parts or units immediately and overnight.
Please contact us today for further information on leasing and purchasing of iBall products.